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About Us


God has proven his faithfulness to us!

We have experienced and witnessed his overwhelming mercy.

Because we have experienced such grace, we have

said yes to the ministry he has set before us.


However, it hasn't always been this way

We’re both from broken households.

Our relationships pre-marriage were unhealthy.

We thought being loved required needing approval and

finding acceptance.

Neither of us grew up in the church nor did we know Jesus.

We were put together on the outside, but broken internally.

Fear and guilt dominated our days. We allowed insecurity full access, which, in turn, led to destructive habits and a selfish mindset.


As we moved towards marriage, we believed in the greatest myth of marriage. Which is "it would all go away once you say I do"

Not only did it not go away, but we brought all of it into our marriage and eventually our parenting. 


As two people who have navigated deep waters of sin and shame, we don't claim to have all the answers. We know life isn't easy and the battles we fight within ourselves often leave us vulnerable and even exposed.  But...God!


We are Sam and Ana Nunez. We have been married for 18 years.  We have 3 incredible children.

And we’ve been on a journey.


Throughout this journey, we have been called to tell our story.  Our story isn't about how hard we've worked to get better or a daily motivational quote about strength & overcoming. 

Truth be told, we didn't.

But God did.

Our story is about the power of submission. About the fear of letting go. About the willingness to learn. About all the inner work that is neither easy or sexy.

We’re sharing our story for one isolated purpose...

That God would be glorified.

We want you to know that he alone is loving us all into healing and reconciliation. 


Today, maybe you find yourself confused, alone, wandering, or in a cycle of strangling sin? Maybe you're like us, needing to find a safe & intimate setting, where your guard can come down so you can be real.

We invite you to find your seat at the table where your Abba Father waits to exchange your deep junk, with deep forgiveness and life-changing wholeness.



Ana is passionate about living her life for Jesus, loving her family, and seeing others discover breakthroughs in their lives. Married for 18 years with 3 miracle children she also loves cooking, hosting, and celebrating people. Ana also enjoys art. She has found artistic avenues as a make-up artist and has extended them into her ministry. Her creative and artistic interest began when she was young and would sneak into her mom’s lipstick collection.

At the age of 18, she began dancing on professional sports teams in the greater Portland, OR area. This included 5 years in the NBA and 3 years in the WNBA. As a lover of the arts, she believes they are a beautiful way to express her God-given gifts!

Since 2010, she has been involved in ministry. Being a “pastor’s wife” and serving in her local church, she quickly understood the rhythms of the church. Over the last 7 years, Jesus has knocked down the walls to the boundaries and legalism that she had been living under. With a past that runs deep in grief, loss, and brokenness, she was eager to experience the unlimited mercy of God and all of His redemptive power.

Ana is a deep well of wisdom and experience. These are a few additional credentials:

~ Ordained Minister of the Gospel in 2018 through Joan Hunter Ministries

~ Member of the 4 Corners Alliance~ Taking the Healing Power of God to the 4 corners of the Earth

~ Trained in Inner Healing from a variety of  sources such as SOZO, Spirit Connect, and SOZO ART (recently awakening the passion for healing with ART)


Her hope for The Showbread Table: is to meet others in their place of pain, trauma, and brokenness. By loving them, I’d like to lead them into a life-altering experience with God.



Sam is a compassionate leader who loves to champion others. It's his passion to offer the same powerful mercy & grace that Jesus has shown him. Since he didn't grow up in the church, he finds joy in connecting with those with similar paths. He knew of Jesus but didn't know him personally. Through God's redemption in his own life, Sam's heart is to see people living freely as God intended. He loves creating environments that are real, raw, and authentic. After graduating with his BA in physical education, Sam spent his early years in the public school as a licensed PE teacher and basketball coach. After receiving a Masters in Educational Leadership, he followed God's lead and transitioned into vocational ministry where he pastored youth and young adults for 10+ years. In addition to his pastoral duties, Sam is a gifted speaker, teacher, and enjoys connecting with new people. He has also organized, executed, and directed a variety of public events & camps. As a former college basketball player and coach, he finds great value in recreation and activity.


His hope for The Showbread Table: To create a place where church staff members, leaders, couples, singles, and youth can take off their masks and sit in God's presence because He has something specific to give each of them!

The Showbread Table,Inc
Frederick Maryland
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